Shan Herald Agency for News |
- More than 1,000 casualties in the Kachin campaign: Army report
- No War, No Peace in Burma
- Shan army overtures spurned by HQ
- To ethnic leaders: Time to go back to school
- Weekly Wrap-up, No.640 (17-23 August 2013)
- Re: Shan leader supports UNFC resolution, but...
- Rangoon Shans pre-empt 2014 census
More than 1,000 casualties in the Kachin campaign: Army report Posted: 28 Aug 2013 02:25 AM PDT According to a report that recently slipped out from the Burma Army's Lashio-based Northeastern Region Command (NERC), it had suffered more than 1,000 casualties during the period, September-December 2012, while fighting against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA). It was an excerpt from the speech given by Brig-Gen Aung Soe, NERC commander, to the meeting in Lashio, 7-8 February 2013, which was a follow-up to the tri-annual meeting of top commanders in Naypyitaw: The Burma Army had deployed 10 infantry divisions in the campaign. There were 355 engagements between the two sides, 95 of which were heavy ones. "The army had lost more than 1,000 due to lack of experience," he said. "Nevertheless, we successfully occupied all the targeted outposts and strongholds by intensive use of heavy weapons and air support." Lt. Gen. Myint Soe (L) and KIA Deputy Chief of Staff Gun Maw (R) shake hands after signing an agreement to cease hostilities in Kachin state, May 30, 2013. (Photo: AFP) He did not mention the number of casualties sustained by the army since 9 June 2011 when the campaign began. He read out the order issued by Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaing at the conclusion of the meeting, which included:
The Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), the political arm of the KIA, signed a 7 point agreement with Naypyitaw on 30 May in Myitkyina, which included reduction of fighting and avoiding further clashes, and an opening of a liaison office. The liaison office was opened in Myitkyina on 24 July, attended by Naypyitaw's chief negotiator U Aung Min. But the fighting has continued, just as it has with the Shan State Army (SSA) North and South factions that had signed ceasefire on 28 January 2012 and 2 December 2011 respectively. |
Posted: 28 Aug 2013 02:24 AM PDT No War, No Peace in Burma (Response to Harn Yaunghwern's Can President Thein Sein be trusted?) Kanbawza Win Harn Yaunghwe, the youngest son of the first President of the Union of Burma, Sao Shwe Thaike, the last Saopha of Yaunghwe 1 seems to hit the nail squarely on the head, when he vividly describe the contemporary history of the Union of Burma the raison d'ĂȘtre of why the current problem existed. I have no axe to grind with him as he is one of my benefactors, the only aspect which I like to point out is that he is too far a gentleman to give the answers not that he is afraid that he may not be able to return to Burma, where he still holds a substantial amount of immovable assets and claims its place in the sun as a successful person working behind the scene to bring peace to the beseech country. Read More: No War No Peace in Burma.pdf |
Shan army overtures spurned by HQ Posted: 28 Aug 2013 02:18 AM PDT "The directive that was conveyed by the regional command to the field units was that they should ignore the SSA's advances and just follow orders from their superiors," the source who asked anonymity said. "Some officers are in fact blaming the Shan Herald for putting out the news (of SSA overtures on 14 August). They say if you had remained quiet, the fight in Mongpan (on 22 August) would not have happened." Lt. Gen. Yawd Serk, left, leader of Shan State Army (SSA), and Gen. Soe Win, chief of Burma's government negotiation group, shake hands during their meeting in Kengtung, eastern Shan State, 19 May 2012. (Photo: AP) The SSA offer that it would not fight if it was notified in advance of the Burmese units, according to SSA leader Sao Yawdserk, was reportedly responded favorably by may units. However, 8-days after SHAN report was published, a combined force from the Burma Army's Military Operation Command (MOC) #17 attacked a Shan unit in Mongpan. The attack took place between Hwe Zoy and Na Mawn villages in Nawng Lerh tract. According to a member of the Burma Army-run local militia force, it had warned the Burmese column not to advance before notifying the SSA. "But they said we are a national army," he recounted. "We can go anywhere we like in this country." The two hour fight, 10:00-12:00, resulted in at least 4 dead on the Burma Army side and 1 dead at least 2 wounded on the SSA side, according to him. The two sides, since 2 December 2011, when the ceasefire agreement was signed have fought more than a 100 clashes. "Liaison offices have been set up at the Burma Army's regional headquarters for the purpose of avoiding such confrontations," said Yawdserk. "I have no idea why the Burma Army never put them to good use." |
To ethnic leaders: Time to go back to school Posted: 28 Aug 2013 02:15 AM PDT Carnegie said he had written it because "Dealing with people is probably the biggest problem you face," quoting investigations which found out that even in such technical lines as engineering, about 15 percent of one's success is due to one's technical knowledge and about 85 percent is due to what he called human engineering. One of his best quotes used in the book was written by Harry A. Overstreet: "He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way." The first rule he taught was: Don't criticize, condemn or complain. He gave as his examples Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin, both known for their skill in handling people. The secret of their success?
Carnegie of course also chipped in other quotable and practical quotes:
So when one is in the middle two groups of friends who are bitterly engaged in mud-slinging against one another, how does one feel? "(People) cannot be happy around an agitated man," the Shans' foremost scholar today Dr Khammai Dhammasami once said. "If someone is agitated in this room, not yet depressed but simply agitated, then people cannot smile at all." One can therefore imagine how it will affect the whole room when this someone flies into a rage. To make things worse, the people who are engaged in this hate filled flak are those who have studied Carnegie and are supposedly working toward Peace and Reconciliation. Which makes one wonder whether they are fighting a war or making peace. As all know, making war and peace are two different things:*
Now we seem to be doing just we are not supposed to do. SHAN's advice to all therefore is it's time to come to senses and stop this madness. As Carnegie wrote as he concluded his first chapter, quoting Dr Johnson: "God himself, sir, does not propose to judge man until the end of his days." Why should you and I? Indeed, why should we? *N.D. This is not to dismiss common principles. For instance, according to pros, whether making war or peace, there is a great need to know both oneself and the other side. If you know oneself, but not the other side, for every success gained you will also suffer a failure. Similarly, if you know neither yourself nor the other side, you will succumb in every engagement. |
Weekly Wrap-up, No.640 (17-23 August 2013) Posted: 28 Aug 2013 02:13 AM PDT
Tips for the military: You know it strikes the right chord with you! Think Piece Japanese companies were the trailblazers for Asia where overseas investment is concerned, but even they had to move slowly and steadily. Toyota, for example, has been in the United States since 1957. It was another 15 years before Toyota opened a manufacturing plant there, and another decade before its cars become widely accepted in the North American market. Bangkok Post, 19 August 2013 The World 21 August 2013 Gas attack by Syrian government kills 1,300 people near Damascus. West demands UN inspection. (Agencies) International Relations 1 August 2013 US-Myanmar Trafficking in Persons dialogue held in Naypyitaw, led by Ambassador at Large Luis Cde Baca and Police Chief Maj Gen Zaw Win. (State Department) 19 August 2013 Quintana given open letter by 100 protestors in Meikhtila. (DVB) 21 August 2013 Indonesian police have arrested 8 more suspects in connection with a plot to bomb the Burmese embassy, bringing a total to 14 detainees since May. (AP) 21 August 2013 Quintana issues statement on 10 day visit to Burma. "Separation and segregation, of communities in Rakhine State is becoming increasingly permanent making restoration of trust difficult." In Meikhtila, a crowd "punch and kick the windows and doors of the car", incident left totally unprotected by the nearby police. (Press Release) 21 August 2013 Tomas Ojea Quintana says UN could provide only once a year to conflict zones. From July 2012-July 2013, UN could assist resistance-controlled areas only once. (Mizzima) 22 August 2013 Presidential spokesman Ye Htut says Quintana was never in any danger. (AP) Quintana's visit 16-17 August 2013 Chin State. Mindat and Kanpetlet. Chin Youth Organization complains "Kyemon" paper called Chins "Barbarians" comparing them to animals. (DVB) 18-19 August 2013 Shan State. Lashio and Namhsan. He meets Aye Aye Win, who was doused in petrol setting off violence. (DVB) Thai-Burma Relations 17 August 2013 Migrant Workers Rights Network (MWRN) demands Thailand Myanmar issue concrete policy for migrant workers whose 4 year visas have expired. According to MoU signed or 15 June 2013, they must return to Burma and fulfill a 3 year homeland residency before returning to Thailand. (Mizzima) Politics/ Inside Burma 19 August 2013 President Thein Sein warns local administrator at ward and village levels not to abuse their powers at a meeting on rural development held in Naypyitaw. (Mizzima) Ethnic Affairs 17 August 2013 Arakan League for Democracy (AlD) and Rakhine Nationality Development Party (RNDP) announce they would merge into a single party and apply to be registered as Rakhine National Party (RNP). (Mizzima) 19 August 2013 Recently formed Mon National Congress (MNC) meets to plan Mon national seminar in Moulmein in December. New Mon State Party, Mon Democracy Party and All Mon Region Democracy Party are leading members. (IMNA) 22 August 2013 Chin groups will meet in Hakha, according to Salai Nge Pe, implementation committee member. They will review issues concerning politics, economy and culture and re-examine the status of 53 groups who all claim to be Chin. (DVB) 22 August 2013 Kachin State Red Cross says KIO has refused to accept its offer to provide household appliances for 1,300 families. The group says it cannot accept aid from the government until a stable peace has been established. The appliances were donated by Denmark and Singapore red crosses. (Mizzima) 22 August 2013 UNFC (11 parties) and UNA (12 parties) "are in a state of laying down policies" for the federal-based constitution, according to Hkun Okker, UNFC deputy Secretary. (Eleven News Media) 23 August 2013 Dr Tuja, former vice chairman of KIO, who had resigned to contest elections in 2010 — and was rejected — will be registering a new party, Kachin State Democracy Party (KSDP), according to him. (KNG) Shans/ Shan State 15 August 2013 Shan Tribes Association Interim of Kachin State sends letter to UN special rapporteur to look into the plight of ethnic people:
20 August 2013 Shan State Army (SSA) leader Yawdserk says amendment, and not writing a new charter, is the way to peace and reconciliation in Burma. (SHAN) 19-22 August 2013 Workshop on Federalism in Lashio, attended by more than 70 participants, including White Tiger and Tiger Head parties. It was led by Dr Salai Lian H.Sakhong. (SHAN) Economy/ Business 19 August 2013 Foreign trade hits $ 7.080 billion in the fires' three months of the 2013-14 fiscal year: Export Imports 2012-13 $3.152 billion $3.01 billion 2013-14 $3.161 billion $3.919 billion (DVB) 21 August 2013 Freight and logistics firm Damco, a subsidiary of Danish firm Maersk, announces it has been granted license to operate in Burma. (DVB) Human Rights 19-20 August 2013 500 farmers hold 2-day event organized by 88 Generation Students. They call on the government to address worsening land confiscation issue and to return land seized by previous regime. (Irrawaddy) 19 August 2013 Ministry of Information releases statement saying 14 out of 17 draft articles of the new media bill have been agreed. Unresolved are issuing of media licenses, whether to have one central press council or devolve power to local levels and the definition of what is in the "public interest". The two sides, IPC and MoI, have agreed to obey the decision of the Union Assembly, according to IPC member Zaw Thet Htwe. (DVB) 20 August 2013 New York based Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) warns "mass atrocities" if attitudes behind violence against Muslims are left unchecked. (Reuters) 21 August 2013 Teacher Soe Soe Khaing, Zabuthiri, says school director Myint Zaw has ordered her to resign as she had violated school rule prohibing teachers from involvement in politics. She had attended a meeting with 88 Generation Students. (Irrawaddy) Environment 16 August 2013 $1.6 million will be spent in the 2013 fiscal year on socioeconomic development projects along the Shwe pipelines. Contract signed and to be implemented by two subsidiaries of CNPC will cover 33 projects in Shan, Arakan, Mandalay and Magwe. (New Light of Myanmar) Drugs 18 August 2013 A Nissan pickup truck searched by police in Maesai. No illegal items found. But 2 passengers acting nervously and driver fails to answer incoming calls. Later a Toyota Vigo is stopped and 958,000 speed pills found. (Bangkok Post) War 16 August 2013 Asian News International (AN) says recent images published in an Urdu-language internet forum suggest the Taliban has recruited Rohingya Muslims and is training them in Myanmar. The force is led by Abu Sufiya and Abu Arif. It claims to have destroyed 2 Burmese vehicles killing 17 soldiers recently. It also claims having beheaded 3 Buddhists, including a priest, who were responsible for slaying Muslims. (BD News 24) 17 August 2013 Former NDA-K Border Guard Force attacks KIA troops in Chipwe and Sawlaw, backed by Burma Army's LIB 521. (Irrawaddy) 22 August 2013 Clash in Nawng Lerh, Mongpan township. Burma Army suffers 4 dead, Shan State Army 1 dead and 2 wounded. (SHAN) Obituary 19 August 2013 U Htay Myaing, pen-name Dagon Taya, 95, passes away at his home in Aung Ban. (Irrawaddy) |
Re: Shan leader supports UNFC resolution, but... Posted: 28 Aug 2013 02:11 AM PDT What is wrong with spelling out your people's desire, when your adversaries are all out to protect their looted goods; i.e., our rights of self-determination and our rights to our own resources? Shall we behave politely and timidly so that our adversaries will not be annoyed and throw some bones and bread cramps out of pity, if they are happy with us? The point is we are demanding our robbed goodies back and we cannot be just satisfied with a few percentages given back to us from our own belongings. It is as simple as that. Moreover, advocating for amendment of the military-drawn constitution is like accepting the 2008 constitution, lending legitimacy to the Burman-dominated, centralized, unitary system; and we are not coming any near to a true federal system of government. In fact, Lt-Gen Yawdserk's first step proposal of national reconciliation process, which include: Full autonomy for the states, election of the state chiefs, and the transformation of the Tatmadaw into a federal union armed forces, are exactly the same demand made by all non-Burman nationalities, that are striving for federalism. Mai Soong Kha Tainonymous |
Rangoon Shans pre-empt 2014 census Posted: 28 Aug 2013 02:03 AM PDT Official pamphlet notifying census will be taken, 30 March -10 April 2014. The country's population currently is estimated at 60 million. "There must be at least 100,000 Shan in the region," said a young volunteer. "Had there been a reliable figure in 2010, we would already be having a Shan minister in the Rangoon regional government." He used the usual Shan name Ta-Koong, meaning "Shrimp Port", for Rangoon. Shans, since early history, had established trading centers in the delta areas. "Apart from establishing the correct national race," another volunteer added, "we are also urging them to use Sai (Mr) Nang (Miss/Mrs) or Loong (Uncle) Pa (Aunt) instead the standard Burmese prefixes, U and Daw." The informal campaign, which began on 20 August, is the result of the meeting at the Shan monastery at 9th Mile, Mayangone township, on 17 August. The 11 person census committee elected includes Sai Kiao Tip, chairman; Sai Mook, vice chairman; and Nang Zaw Oong, Secretary. Critics also believe the 2014 census will help eliminate the long-standing official hype that there are 135 rational races in the country, which necessitates the existence of a strong, modern army to prevent it from falling apart into 135 independent states. Millions of Shans also live in Kachin state and Sagaing and Pegu regions. |
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