Friday, December 11, 2020

The Irrawaddy Magazine

The Irrawaddy Magazine

Yangon Govt Members Get COVID-19

Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:28 AM PST

Yangon mayor infected his wife and a minister after he got coronavirus while telling citizens how to avoid catching COVID-19.

Sex, Drugs, Guns and COVID-19: Amid Pandemic, Illicit Border Trades Flourish

Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:18 AM PST

Despite—and in some cases, because of—border closures due to COVID-19, illegal trades continue to flourish on the Thai-Myanmar frontier.

Myanmar’s Military Jails Soldiers for 20 Years in Rape Case

Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:36 AM PST

Three army privates raped a villager at gunpoint in Rakhine State.

Myanmar President Calls for Joint Effort to Remove ‘All Causes of Corruption’

Posted: 11 Dec 2020 01:06 AM PST

In a speech to mark International Anti-Corruption Day, U Win Myint said the government plans to simplify laws so that officials can't exploit them for gain.

Three More Thais Returning From Myanmar’s Tachilek Test Positive for COVID-19

Posted: 10 Dec 2020 11:26 PM PST

Three Thais who visited Shan State's Tachilek have tested positive for COVID-19 after returning to Chiang Rai, taking the Thai province's total case tally to 37.

The Day Suu Kyi was Expelled from the NLD

Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:00 PM PST

Under pressure from the military regime, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was forced out of the National League for Democracy, the day after she was awarded the Nobel peace prize.